SBM Committees

Getting involved with SBM is one of the best ways you can help build a sustainable Manitoba.  

SBM has the following standing committees:

  • Advocacy: working to lobby and campaign for necessary actions from government and corporations for Manitoba to be sustainably built
  • Marketing: helps to promote not only SBM, but sustainable building practices in Manitoba more generally
  • Programming: sets the topics and speakers for SBM’s Lunch and Learns, buildings tours and other events
  • Training: Supporting sustainable building training development in Manitoba with a special focus on being a repository of all the training across the province
  • Partnerships: help to identify sponsors and to build relationships with others in the sector to strengthen our collective ability to build sustainably

Want to get more involved in Manitoba’s sustainable building community and work to build meaningful change? 

Join a committee!

Committees meet once a month over Zoom for approximately an hour.  Additional work between meetings fluctuates mostly based on tasks and feedback you agree to.

Anyone sitting on a committee must be an SBM member.

Want to make sure SBM can continue doing this critical work? Become a sponsor.


Email info @ if you are interested in learning more!