Carbon Usage

Carbon Neutral

Companies that are ‘carbon neutral’ achieve net-zero Carbon neutral refers to the attempt or completion of offsetting carbon emissions produced. Usually done so by removing carbon emissions elsewhere or purchasing carbon credits.

Carbon Footprint

Carbon footprint refers to the emissions of greenhouse gasses from an individual or organization

Carbon Offset

Carbon offsets reduce carbon emissions by purchasing credits or using carbon trading schemes.


Ecological Footprint

The impact of a community or person to the environment in in regard to the land required to sustain their use of natural resources.

Ecological restoration

Ecological restoration is when an ecosystem is restored to its original form after being damaged.

Natural Resources 

Materials that are extracted from land to be used for economic gains


Climate Change

Climate change refers to the changes in Earth’s climate due to changes in the atmosphere.

Global Warming

The gradual increase of temperature across the Earth’s atmosphere. Caused by greenhouse gasses trapping an increasing amount of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants.

Greenhouse effect

The greenhouse effect is the trapping and build-up of heat.


Alternative Energy

Alternative energy is energy that does not use fossil fuels therefore producing little no carbon dioxide co2

Geothermal Energy

Geothermal energy is a renewable energy form extracted from hot water or steam underground to often for electricity.

Solar Energy

solar energy is energy from the sun, this is achieved through the use of solar panels to absorb the Sun’s radiation. The energy stored is used for electricity.

Wind Energy

Wind energy is derived from wind turbines, collected from heavy winds. Stored to create electricity.

Renewable Resource/Energy

Renewable refers to the source’ ability to have its supply be replenished than its rate of use. In this context renewable sources for energy are wind, solar, geothermal, and more.


Water security

The ability to have safe access to water at the needed amount to sustain life, ecosystems, and economic development.

Water scarcity

Water scarcity is when demand for water or its quality cannot be provided.

Net zero water

A concept that limits the use of water, with a goal of only using water that falls on site to be a net zero water community.

Rainwater harvesting

Rainwater stored for later use



Sustainability is the concept where a system has the ability to be maintained at a consistent rate and without the disregard of future generations.


The collection of materials that has been used and processed for another use.

Zero waste

Zero waste is a concept that focuses on the prevention of more waste, encouragement of reusable life cycles, and avoiding sending all trash to landfills.

Green Building

A building with ecological principles in mind to maintain a healthy structure that minimizes environmental impacts.



Deforestation is the removal of forests or trees for non forest use.


The planting of trees where a previous forest existed but had been cut down for commercial use.

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