Energy in Manitoba


On July 28th the province released Manitoba’s Energy Roadmap.

The roadmap lays out an energy strategy framework with four key goals:

  • modernizing energy governance,
  • attracting investment and jobs,
  • keeping residential rates affordable and industrial rates competitive, and
  • positioning Manitoba as a low-carbon leader.

and outlines several key action areas to achieve Manitoba’s energy goals including:

  • modernizing governance with the creation of the Manitoba Electricity Task Force, made up of representatives from the Manitoba government, Manitoba Hydro and Efficiency Manitoba to provide strategic advice and leadership to all of government;
  • saving energy through the introduction of additional efficiency measures to reduce or defer the need to invest in new generation and distribution assets; and
  • growing and diversifying by investing in further capacity at existing energy generation stations, investing in automated metering infrastructure and streamlining project approvals.


Manitoba Hydro’s first ever Integrated Resource Plan is now available on the Manitoba Hydro website.

This plan is the result of over two years of work, including multiple rounds of engagement to build our understanding of Manitobans’ energy plans and perspectives. Thank you for your contribution to this work.

The feedback we received helped us to complete extensive modelling and analysis on a range of possible futures. Here’s some of what we learned:

  • The energy transition is already underway, driven by Canada’s move to net-zero goals and a low or no-carbon energy economy.
  • Electricity demand in our province could double in the next 20 years and new sources of generation could be needed within the next 10 years.
  • Investments to meet this additional electricity demand will put upward pressure on rates.
  • Managing this energy transition will be critical to ensuring we can continue to provide safe, reliable, and cost-effective energy for our customers.
  • Using energy efficiency to make the most of the energy we already have will be key to a successful energy transition.
  • Strategic use of natural gas will play a role in getting to net zero.
  • Wind generation is a cost-effective potential energy choice.

Visit Integrated Resource Plan to find out more about what we learned, the near-term actions we’re planning to take, and the key indicators, or signposts, they will monitor to understand how we can best prepare to meet the future energy needs of our customers

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